Roadmap to become a blockchain dev in 2022
This is a simple roadmap on to become a blockchain dev in 2022
For every project(plan) that you conceive, a clear path(roadmap) is key. You can get that roadmap from someone(somewhere) like a mentor or a book/post(just like this one). In this article, we'll take a look at the path that you can follow to become a blockchain developer.
Just as software engineering in general, developing applications that are powered by the blockchain needs a bunch of technologies for developing, testing and deploying dapps(decentralized applications). Let's split this topic in two parts: smart contract development and frontend development.
Smart contract development
A smart contract is a program(code) that lives on the blockchain. How to write smart contracts ?
To write smart contracts, you'll need a programming language called solidity . Solidity is a statically-typed language for writing smart contracts. A great place to learn about solidity is the solidity docs where you'll find everything you need to know about the language. After that, you can learn solidity by building a game here. If you want to build a real project you can go to builspace, they have cool web3 projects. There are so many projects out there that you can learn from. But where do I write my code ?
Remix IDE
Remix is a web based IDE for writing and deploying smart contracts. After learning about solidity, this is the best place where you can write smart contracts without setting up any development workflow. All you need is to go here and start writing your code. Consider this as your playground !
When you are well conversant with remix and you want to go to the next level and setup your own project, you'll need to learn how to setup your own working flow and run your own local blockchain. But this on its own is another topic which I'll cover in a future article .
Once a contract is deployed on the mainnet, it lives there forever. And you don't want to deploy a buggy code because one day your contract might handle millions of dollars and you don't want to handle that amount with a buggy contract. This is the reason why you should test everything before deployment on the mainnet ! Don't deploy live without testing your code
For this particular part you may learn testing frameworks like mocha, brownie, ...
After building and testing your smart contract, you'll have to deploy it on a testnet and finally live on the mainnet(this requires real money).
Frontend development
How do you interact with a smart contract from a frontend app ? Oh ! Good question ... In most cases, your frontend application is a web app. This means that you'll use either web3.js or ethers.js plus a wallet to interact with the blockchain. These APIs make it possible for users to interact with the smart contract.
#Now, build projects After learning all the necessary, it is time to get your feet wet with projects and hackathons. I won't mention all the projects or hackathons out there, this might take an entire day. But here are some resources to build and learn !
-Hackathons (one of the best ways to learn by doing)
And so many other resources out there
Congratulations !
You've gotten all you need to become a blockchain developer, now time to build something awesome and revolutionize the web !
Feel free to reach out to me on twiiter ( @merkim ) for anything.